
The Snip Report

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two grocery carts near wall during daytime

Nuclear Nightmares and Spy Games: Annie Jacobsen on the Lex Fridman Podcast

Full disclosure: I'm not a national security expert. My understanding of geopolitics comes primarily from binge-watching spy thrillers and occasionally reading news headlines that don't involve celebrity breakups. So when I stumbled upon this Annie Jacobsen interview on Lex Fridman's podcast, I figured it was time to upgrade my knowledge beyond "James Bond makes espionage look sexy but impractical." Want to listen along? Here's the episode – #420 – Annie Jacobsen: Nuclear War, CIA, KGB,...
A close up of a person holding a stick

Michael Lombardi on Leadership: Notes from The Knowledge Project

Michael Lombardi on Leadership In this episode of The Knowledge Project, Shane Parrish interviews Michael Lombardi, NFL executive and leadership expert. Lombardi breaks down leadership principles that apply far beyond the football field – from managing teams to personal growth. These notes highlight key insights with my occasional commentary (from someone whose football expertise begins and ends with Super Bowl commercials). I'm not a football expert. My knowledge of American football comes...
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Bryan Caplan - Nurturing Orphaned Ideas, Dwarkesh Podcast

Bryan Caplan - Nurturing Orphaned Ideas May 22, 2020 on Dwarkesh Podcast Want to listen along? Here's the episode. Full disclosure: I'm not a Bryan Caplan expert. His name has popped up in my radar a few times, I think in the management context as well, so I figured it was worth noting some of his ideas to make priors for the next encounter if that will happen in the future. So, grab a coffee and let's dig into the interesting bits I caught from this episode: Homeschooling issues Coming from...